Gallery 50, Inc.
Become a Sponsor
Single Sponsorship $200
Single, corporate/business and individual sponsorships are available by contacting the Gallery 50, Inc. (856) 575-0090.
Your $200 donation goes toward deferring the cost for advertising that month's artist as well as the artist's opening night reception refreshments. Contribution is tax deductible.
The sponsor will have their name printed on the back of the postcard that goes to the gallery's mailing list and placed around town at prominent businesses. In addition, the sponsor's name will appear on a sign (see photo) in the gallery at the welcome desk during the duration of that month's show.
Any sponsor with a web address will be added to the past sponsors web list
(see below).
Group Sponsorships to total $200
Group, corporate/business or individual sponsorships are available by contacting the Gallery 50, Inc. (856) 575-0090. Group sponsorships will consist of multiple businesses and/or individuals who can donate any amount towards a $200 total.
Your donations go toward deferring the cost for advertising that month's artist as well as the artist's opening night reception refreshments. Contribution is tax deductible.
The sponsors will have their names printed on the back of the postcard that goes to the gallery's mailing list and placed around town at prominent businesses. In addition, the group sponsor names will appear on a sign (see photo) in the gallery at the welcome desk during the duration of that month's show.
Any sponsors with a web address will be added to the past sponsors web list
(see below).
Past Sponsors Links
Bifulco Farms / Four Seasons Cold Storage, Inc.
Cumberland County Cultural and Heritage Commission
Inspira Health Network/ Regional Diagnostic Imaging
Jersey Shore Gastroenterology
The Research Club
The Roarke Agency, LLC Real Estate
South Jersey Eye Associates, P.A.
Tri-County Community Action Partnership