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August 2015

Past Exhibit 
August 2015
August 5 – 28, 2015

Opening Reception
Friday, August 7, 2015, 6 – 9 PM

Barbara Bennett

Artist - Open Show
Bare Attitudes
An Exhibition of Nudes Human or Other


Hand Pulled Lithograph by Tina Madonia 

August 3, 2015 
To our friends, “Technically speaking, naked implies that a person is unprotected or vulnerable. It also describes something that is unadorned or without embellishment, as in the oft-mentioned naked truth. Nude, on the other hand, means one thing: unclothed. 

Think of it this way: if you doff your duds to pose while descending a staircase for a tasteful painting done by a respected artist, then you're nude. If a bunch of paparazzi suddenly burst in through the studio door and take your picture without permission, you are suddenly naked.” Quote from “Mental Floss”

In August, we have gone academically classical and modern all in one show. Our show, “Bare Attitudes: An Exhibition of Nudes, Human or Other” has attracted a wide variety of work featuring human nudes and a few nudes that are not human. No clothing was the only rule for admissions. Paintings, sculptures, glass, photography are all some of the interpretations of the show’s theme. Quality is the tie that binds all of the work together. 

Continuing with the theme, our window show, “Bodies in the Barn”, are plaster casts of body assortments made by Molly Carpenter, Deb DiMarco, Dana Gayner, and Sharon Kiefer. I’ll leave you to understand that description. We hope to see you at our opening reception and through out the month. This is a not to be missed exhibit. 


Nature and the Landscape
Regional Wetlands Competition
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