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July 2012

July 4 - 27, 2012

International Miniature Show





Artists - Selected by Jury

Opening Reception / Awards Presented
Friday, July 6, 2012, 6 – 9 PM



Toad Fish Bar and Grill

Woodruff Energy

Barbara Bennett

DeCou Family 

Jeanne and Burt Doremus


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Paula Pagliughi "The Flower Show"

And the Winners Are... 

Petite Moments AWARD WINNERS 2012

Best of Show - $250.00 
"Top of the Dune" -- 
Joe Rademan Westville, New Jersey 

1st Place - $200.00  
"Lavender Tea" -- 
Gloria Stumm Pilesgrove, New Jersey

2nd Place - $150.00  
"Summer Day at Burchams" -- 
Judy Scull Vineland, New Jersey

3rd Place - $100.00 
"Warm Snow" -- 
Tina Madonia Slatington, Pennsylvania

Honorable Mention - $50.00 
"Howdy Spaceman" -- 
Harper Ewing Greenwich, New Jersey


Row 1: Frank Disney, "Lilacs in a Blue Vase", Acrylic on Hardboard, 2½ x 3 Maxine Kelly, "Pollinator", Pastel, 3 x 4¼ Row 2: Don Dulin, "Fall Abundance" Glass Helen Troia, "White Rabbit", Oil on Masonite, 5½ x 4½ 

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